

I’ve been looking for a job for a while now, and I don’t seem to be making much progress. Where can I find a headhunter?


There are several headhunters in the Frederick area; you can find them on Google. But that’s probably not what you need.

It's a common misconception that headhunters (a. k. a. recruiters) help candidates find jobs. In fact, their job is to represent companies, not job seekers. They find the closest match for mostly high-level, exotic jobs like CEO, COO, or other jobs that require an unusual mix of skills.

According to Dawn Graham, career writer for Forbes, “They don’t have huge databases of jobs, aren’t interested in coaching candidates … on what they should do with their careers, and will likely find you on social media on their own if you’re a fit for the types of openings they fill.”

You would probably get more benefit from using the services at Frederick County Workforce Services. You can gain a lot of information from the seminars on resume writing, interviewing, identifying your transferable skills, and lots more. You may be able to work individually with an Employment and Training Specialist, and access training in your field. There is even a Business Services Team: they connect with business owners and managers to see what their hiring needs are. Then they try to make the match between the business and available job seekers. And there is no charge for any of these services.

If that sounds helpful, stop into the office at 200 Monroe Avenue, Frederick (near the Fairgrounds.) Generally it’s open 8 am - 4 pm, Monday through Friday, though it’s wise to check the calendar at www.frederickworks.com/events before you leave home. You’ll meet some of the staff, and have a chance to figure out what’s available and helpful for you.

Jessica Mills