Time for a Change?


I’m unhappy in my current job, but the idea of looking for a new one scares me. What should I do?


Consider taking some baby steps. For instance:

  • Think about what you like at your current job. You know what you don’t like; but there are probably some factors that you do enjoy. Could you duplicate those at a different job?

  • If you do look for a new job, will it be just like the one you’re leaving, or very different? Will it be in the same company, or a new one? How far out of your comfort zone do you need to go for a job you’d love?

  • Would you need training for that new job? Would you need a whole new certification or degree?

  • Are there many openings for the new job? Does it have a bright outlook for the future?

  • Are you likely to be able to get that new job near home? Would you have to move to a different part of your state? Or another state? Or a whole different country? Is it worth it to you?

  • Do you have the emotional support you need from your family and friends?

You can get a lot of helpful labor market information at a website called My Skills My Future (www.myskillsmyfuture.org.) You can type in your current title, or another job you’ve held, and My Skills My Future will bring back a long list of other jobs that use those same skills. Some will be obvious transfers, but others will be jobs you would never think of. The site will tell you how the two jobs compare in terms of needed skills, training, payscales and other factors.

There are many possible right answers but few, if any, wrong answers. Whatever you decide, you know one thing for sure: if you stay where you are, you’ll continue to be unhappy. Is the change worth the risk? Only you can make the decision.


Jessica Mills