The Future of Interviewing

New tools are emerging to mend what is considered by many to be a broken process. According to LinkedIn’s most recent Global Recruiting Trends Report, here are some of the latest interviewing innovations in use by today’s employers:

·       Soft Skills Assessments—59%

·       Job Auditions—54%

·       Meeting In Casual Settings—53%

·       Virtual Reality Assessments—28%

·       Video Interviews—18%

While traditional interviewing is not going away, it has been noted that there is much more room for bias in the traditional format.  The charismatic candidate may do well answering questions, yet not be the best fit as far as soft skills, culture, etc.  The traditional interview especially falls short in assessing the “soft skills” area.

Why do the aforementioned innovative practices seem to have more promise?:

·       More realistic snapshot of candidates personality—69%

·       Candidates can try out job for “fit”—59%

·       Less bias than traditional formats—47%

·       Candidates can’t lie about skills—26%

Old Model:

  1. Resume

  2. Traditional Phone Screen

  3. Traditional In-Person Interview

  4. HIRE!

New Model:

  1. LinkedIn profile

  2. Soft Skills Assessment and/or Video Interview and/or Job Tryout (in-group, shorter duration)

  3. Traditional In-Person Interview and Virtual Reality Assessment, and/or Job Tryout (individual, longer duration) and/or Casual Setting Interview

  4. HIRE!

Bottom line: The future of interviewing has arrived! Check out the full report on LinkedIn.

Jessica Mills