3 Ways You Can Boost Employee Retention

It's a scenario every business dreads, top talent putting in their resignation. Losing a quality employee creates a domino effect of additional work from recruitment and onboarding to coverage responsibility during the hiring process.

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Finding a replacement for a valued team member is already hard enough, but now you have to do so in a labor market pool affected by the pandemic, which means scarcity in applicants. Your current staff will also feel the impact of this loss, and some may wonder if it's time for them to "jump ship" too.

There are many reasons for turnover, which makes creating effective retention strategies a dubious task. However, employee retention and job satisfaction will continue to be a high priority for businesses moving into 2021, and Frederick County Workforce Services is here to help.

Below are three ways you can boost your employee retention plan efforts in partnership with FCWS.

1: Customized Workforce Data

Seeking out higher pay continues to be a piece of the retention puzzle. Does your business offer competitive wages and possible wage increases based on qualifications and capabilities? Find out how your business stacks up in the local labor market with real-time data specific to your industry - Wage scales, competition analysis, local occupation/industry snapshots, and more. Contact us for your FREE report!

2: Career Pathway Information

While wages are important, a lack of career advancement opportunities also contributes to employee turnover. Do you have and communicate the career pathways available at your business? Check out the Local Landscape section of our website, an online resource showcasing high-demand industries in Frederick County. Here you will find sample position titles and career pathways related to your industry. You can also sign up to have your business featured on one of our industry web pages to raise awareness of your company's career opportunities.

3: Professional Development Guidance

Growth opportunities often become more attainable when employees have access to professional development. Do you want to provide employees with the opportunity to grow but struggle with finding or implementing instruction? Introducing Metrix Learning Platform: Your employees can access over 3,500 online training programs, including courses on business etiquette, digital literacy, Microsoft Office applications, project management, sales, and more. Contact us to explore this training solution (and more!) for your business.

Jessica Mills