Culture Attracts: Make Yours Stand Out

Trying to find talent? Of course you are. In today’s job market, who isn’t?

The talent competition is heating up, and employers are pulling out all the stops. Most employers are increasing wages while others are trying new tactics like signing bonuses, more PTO, remote work, and other perks. Job descriptions all over America are boasting these perks in efforts to attract talent their way, but most of these descriptions are missing one of the most attractive things a company can offer – its unique culture.


TIP: While describing your job opening, talk in detail about your workplace culture. Consider including a link in all of your job postings that depicts “a day in the life” of your company. 

Another aspect to consider is that Generations Y and Z comprise an increasingly larger segment of the workforce. As a result, the approach to attracting and appealing to candidates within this talent pool looks different - and it should. More and more recruiters are turning to social media in an effort to meet these generations where they are. An article by Apollo Technical states that 70% of managers are having success hiring candidates through social media platforms. When you look at the specific platforms being used by Gen Y and Gen Z, all have one thing in common – they embody captivating pictures, branding, and storytelling. (Image Source)  

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Many employers have used innovative strategies to successfully create an attractive and sustainable company culture. That said, we continue to see many job postings without a description of this culture, which is definitely a missed opportunity.

We know where to meet them, but do we know what they want?  This is equally as important. According to a study by Fidelity, “millennials are willing to take a $7,600 pay cut in exchange for moving to a company with a better company culture.”  (Source: The Top 5 Things Millennials Want in the Workplace)

So, what does this all mean? Not all employers, especially the small-to-medium ones, can afford to increase wages and expand benefits. On top of that, some small-to-medium employers may struggle to find the time to be on social media creating and maintaining a meaningful presence. Yet, these same employers have used innovative strategies to successfully create an attractive and sustainable company culture. That said, we continue to see many job postings without a description of this culture, which is definitely a missed opportunity. Employers often assume that job seekers are visiting the company website and doing research. Even if that were the case, not all company websites do well at highlighting their company’s culture.  

TIP: Here is a free (or relatively cheap) strategy businesses could try. Use platforms like Canva, Microsoft PowerPoint, or other design tools to display a tangible “day-in-the-life” or highlight of events that will give job seekers a peek into your company’s culture. You can even put an example like this in your job posting. 

That old cliché, a picture is worth a thousand words, holds true and could be the solution to a lot of business hiring issues. We know where we need to meet the younger generations. We also know money is not always the main motivating factor. Culture can still be the way to attract job seekers, and businesses need to make it available. In conclusion – Take the time to make your job posting stand out by including the culture that makes your company special. 

Additional resources for creating an effective job description:

Jessica Mills