Dairy Maid Dairy Benefits from Partnership with FCWS

Dairy Maid Dairy is a local milk manufacturer that sources from only local farmers. They were originally purchased in 1946, from the owner of The Excelsior Sanitary Dairy, the oldest in Frederick, founded in 1894. They pride themselves in only producing milk that comes from local farms and there are many benefits to why you should be concerned about where your milk comes from.

Following is a brief conversation with Erica Binder, Manager, Human Resources, Dairy Maid Dairy about the benefits of partnering with Frederick County Workforce Services: 

How many years have you been partnering with Frederick County Workforce Services (FCWS) for recruitment and or training support?

8 years and counting.

What has been the benefit for Dairy Maid Dairy (DMD) in partnering with the local Workforce Development office?

Growing our name in the community and becoming an Employer of Choice.

How important is it that DMD utilize the local resources to support aspects of your business/business model? Extremely important.

We are a Farmer owned Co-Op that takes pride in giving back to the community we work and live in.

What may be one of your favorite successes/success stories in working with FCWS?

Working within the refugee program and hiring a qualified Filler Operator who has been with the company 2 years.

What has been the best part of the resources you have accessed through FCWS over the years.

Building our relationship with our Business Development Specialist and participating in local job fairs.

What are some benefits of working with DMD that we could share with jobseekers.

[We offer a] very stable job within Frederick County with [a] competitive hourly rate and [a] comprehensive benefits package.

Anything else you would like to add as a “Best Practice” for Acquiring Talent and leveraging Community Resources (such as the ESL program for your students)?

We have been connected to and had employees participate in the GED program, ESL literacy program and management trainee program, all supported by Frederick County Workforce Services.  All great resources that have brought us success.

Made with Dairy Maid Dairy: Check out some of their great recipes.

Frederick County boasts numerous long-standing businesses such as Dairy Maid Dairy, which have significantly contributed to our community over the years. We hope you've appreciated this brief glimpse into yet another valuable asset in our own back yard.

Jessica Mills