Over 60 and looking for work


I’ve been out of work for two years. I was trained to do something that no one wants done now. I’m over 60, and employers don’t seem to want to hire someone my age. I’m ready to give up. What do I do?


First, don’t give up!

Please come to Workforce Services, and let the staff help with your job search.You’ll find out what is available to help you find that next job.

If you really think that your age is a barrier to employment, come to the Not Just a Number seminar (check Frederickworks.com/events for the next date and time.) Smart companies know the benefits of hiring workers with more experience. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to call their attention to all the good things you bring to the table.

It may be that there is something on your resume that should not be there. You could start with our resume seminars, then arrange a Resume Review to see what, if anything, your resume needs.

If employers are calling you for interviews, then your resume is doing what it’s supposed to do. If you need some help with your interviewing skills, come to the Interview Success class. You’ll hear how other people answer challenging interview questions, and even get a chance to answer some yourself. The instructor will do what the real interviewer won’t: tell you what’s good about your answers, and how you can improve them. There is also a lot of information on how to prepare for job interviews.

You can even do a Professional Practice Interview with a staff member or an FCWS Board members (many of whom are employers themselves.) They will ask you actual interview questions, and give you honest feedback.

Another thing to consider: join LinkedIn, if you haven’t already. LinkedIn is the big thing for job search. Some 90% of employers, especially in large companies, use it as a recruiting tool. If you aren’t on LinkedIn, you are preventing those employers from finding you. It has a wealth of features that can connect you with your next company. Come to The LinkedIn Connection seminar and find out about it. (See the Frederickworks.com/events calendar.)

On that note, maybe your computer skills can use an upgrade. If you need to, come to Computers for Scaredy Cats. The instructor is a recovering computer scaredy cat herself, and remembers what it’s like to not know what everybody else already seems to know. We have other computer classes to help with job search topics, and several online classes to build your skills.

If it would be helpful, you may be able to talk with an Employment and Training Specialist. These folks have studied the job market for years, and know what’s going on with local employers. They have heard it all; you will not surprise them with any employment-related problem.      

In any case, don’t give up, seriously. There is lots of help and information for whatever stands between you and your next job. You just have to ask.




Jessica Mills