Mastering The Phone Interview


I’ve had a number of phone interviews, but I never seem to progress beyond that point. I know the purpose of the phone interview is to earn the opportunity for an in-person interview at the company’s location. I do my research ahead of time, I meet the specified qualifications, and I think my answers are pretty good; but here I am, not able to pass through the initial screening. What could I be doing wrong?



It’s hard to say without having eavesdropped on your phone interviews. However, one thing you might not have thought about is this: how are your speaking skills?

Many people have bad speaking habits, and aren’t even aware of them. Do you say “um” or “er” a lot? Or do you have some other verbal tic that perhaps you take for granted, that drives all your listeners crazy? Some people end every sentence with “you know” or “… and all that.” Some giggle when they are nervous (as anyone would be during a phone interview.) Some begin every statement with “um,” as in “Um, my name is….”

One way to deal with this is to listen to yourself. Just being aware of it will help. Another option is to look up that friend who will tell you the truth you don’t want to hear. Ask him or her to be ruthless; you need to know the facts about this, for the sake of your job search. Yet another choice is to record yourself doing a mock interview, perhaps with your ruthless friend. This will clue you into other potential problems too (e.g., do you speak too fast? Do you speak clearly? Do you take long pauses to think before you answer? Do you use a high-pitched voice when you’re nervous?)

You could also schedule a practice phone interview with a Workforce Services staff member. The staff member at the Resource Desk can work with you on this.

A longer-term way to improve your speaking is to take a public speaking class, perhaps at Frederick Community College; or join Toastmasters, a club that teaches you to speak in public properly. Toastmasters will give you feedback, kindly but honestly, on many ways you can improve the way you talk.

Keep in mind that the phone interviewer has only one way to evaluate you: your phone presence. Your words are important, but if other factors get in the way, you probably won’t advance in the interview process. It’s bad enough not to get a job you want for lack of qualifications, or because you’re not the best candidate. To miss out because of something that you can potentially control and change would definitely be unfortunate. 

Good luck with your next phone interview!








Jessica Mills