Celebrating Women in Business!

November 19 is Women's Entrepreneurship Day and a perfect time to celebrate and support women in business!  

What Is An Entrepreneur? 

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an entrepreneur is a person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. 

More and more women are betting on themselves, starting a business, and creating change! 

Did you know

  • There are approximately 13 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. 

  • Women-owned businesses employ nearly 9 million Americans. 

  • Women-of-color account for nearly 90% of new women-owned businesses annually. 

Learn about local entrepreneur Kimberly Dow and her team of women leaders at Sass Magazine. Sass Magazine is a women's lifestyle and professional magazine geared towards women in the Frederick and Western Maryland regions. Sass's current issue focuses on women-owned businesses and provides excellent insight for business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs! 

What Is The Benefit of Becoming An Entrepreneur? 

Entrepreneurship has an essential role in stimulating the economy and bringing forth innovation to solve problems. Women may find being entrepreneurial comes with additional advantages such as: 

  •  Flexibility in scheduling. A study indicated that the primary reason American women start businesses is to accommodate work to their family needs. 

  • Closing the gender pay gap. The Census Bureau found that full-time, year-round working women earned 80% of what their male counterparts made in 2016. Owning your business means you set your rates. 

  • The ability to control risks and create stability. According to Forbes, 350 newly-founded companies showed that female-owned businesses are safer for investors. 

You can visit the MaxLife website to learn about and support MaxLife, a local minority, woman-owned company! Toni Bowie trains and leads vital conversations for the workplace in diversity & inclusion and equity & racism. Toni's advice for those considering the benefits of entrepreneurship and starting your own business, "Sooner is better!"  

If you are ready to explore the possibilities of entrepreneurship, are looking for women-owned businesses to support, or are prepared to give back as a mentor, check out these local resources: 

Entrepreneurship not for you? Show your support for women-owned businesses on November 28 and shop small business Saturday!    

Jessica Mills