These Companies Know How To #BeTheDifference

You’ve probably heard that there is a current shortage of the widely needed N-95 face mask, in addition to hand sanitizer and other personal protective equipment. Hospitals, healthcare specialists, and front line workers have been actively searching in all directions for support. These unusual times are creating on-the-fly adversity for businesses, and as a result, there have been many cases of businesses pivoting on a dime to #BeTheDifference at this critical point in time.

Companies like C-Care and Anheuser-Busch recognized the mounting shortage for hand sanitizer and rapidly stepped up to do their part. A Maryland-based company, C-Care, is a premium custom development and contract manufacturer of skincare, hair care, and personal care products. The company recently partnered with State and County public authorities to produce hand sanitizer to help meet some of the current demands. (#wecare at #ccare).  Anheuser-Busch is normally known for bringing society together with their beverages. However, during a time of social-distancing, the giant beer company is using its manufacturing and logistics capabilities to produce hand sanitizer to distribute across the United States. In addition, the company has redirected its sports and entertainment investments ($5 million) to support front line COVID-19 workers. Click here for more on that story.


Locally and much closer to home, ShieldCo, a sign manufacturer in Frederick, is producing hand-sewn masks for the hospital. No, these are not N-95 masks and they likely do not filter out viruses as effectively; however, they are useful for preventing a sick patient from expelling the virus when they cough or sneeze. Click here for more on SheildCo’s innovative practices.

These are only a few examples of the many wonderful things and #positivevibes stemming from this dark moment in our lives. If you would like to share your story or how you have been a part of the solution, please let us know - we would love to hear from you and give you a shout-out!

Jessica MillsComment