Exploring New Partnerships to Find Talent

What is the number one challenge for businesses today?

Hint: We hear it daily. The answer? Finding talent!

Businesses have been utilizing job boards, listservs, database systems, social media, their own networks - and yet they are still struggling to find the skilled workers they need.  While these strategies work and we need to continue utilizing them, we also need to look at other options.  So let’s get creative, and change the perspective a bit.

Here are a few options that could be considered to tackle this ongoing challenge.

How about partnering with an organization that helps prepare and mentor returning citizens?

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These are candidates who may have had some kind of “brush with the law” and are now on the right path to being a contributing member of society. Experience has shown that a high percentage of these job candidates who are given a second chance prove themselves to be great employees. Time and again, they demonstrate that they are motivated to do well and keep the job.  Like everyone else, they want to be able to support their families and be a positive example for their children. 

Fact: There is an organization right here in Frederick County that is passionate about working with this particular group of candidates. Justice Jobs of MD prepares and mentors returning citizens, helping them to find and keep jobs.

How about working with a non-profit that runs a food distribution site weekly?

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Have you counted the number of food distribution sites that have opened since the pandemic started?  While food distribution sites have always been a part of the community, they have been utilized in higher numbers of people recently due to unexpected job losses.  Someone from your organization could set up a table at a food distribution site and casually speak to those individuals who are embarrassed to be there but who also want a job and would welcome a new opportunity for employment. I Believe in Me, Inc. is passionate about ensuring that no family goes hungry during these tough times.  Perhaps you could consider a partnership with them at their weekly food distribution site in Frederick, MD. Some businesses have already taken advantage of this “new perspective.”

How about partnering with your local American Job Center to participate in a Virtual Career Event?

In this new virtual environment, Frederick County Workforce Services offers assistance to local businesses for recruiting job seekers, training existing employees, and reskilling candidates to meet employer needs. Contact a member of the business team to learn more about options for your company.

These are challenging times, indeed. But in such times there are many opportunities to get creative and explore new solutions!

Jessica Mills