Healthy Workers, Happy Office

Starting or supporting a wellness program at work is an important benefit for employees—and it’s good for business. Whether your company has a well-defined wellness program or if it’s just getting started, the 5-2-1-0 program and LiveWell Frederick can jumpstart these efforts.

Here are four wellness activities that fit within your existing work schedule and are easy to implement. Which ones will you fit into your workday routine?  

Morning Huddle: Share a free wellness app

5-2-1-0 Health Focus: Eat five servings of fruits and veggies a day.

Did you know? Eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet may reduce your risk of heart disease, including heart attack and stroke.

Activity: Share the MyPlate app with your staff.

Wellness Wednesday Email: Include a wellness tip in a routine email


5-2-1-0 Health Focus: Reduce recreational screen time (time spent watching TV, playing video games, or time on electronic devices not related to work) to two hours or less.

Did you know? Distracted eating, especially eating while watching TV, has proven to create poor eating habits. 

Activity: Learn how a company challenge supported a wellness journey.

Highlight a wellness goal in a company newsletter

5-2-1-0 Health Focus: Encourage 1 hour of physical activity every day. 

Did you know? Physical activity can improve your daily life. A better mood, sharper focus, improved sleep, and reduced stress are all benefits of physical activity.

Activity: Share the Walking 101 Guide 

Bonus: Promote Frederick County Story Path – an activity for families. 

Start a staff meeting with a wellness topic


5-2-1-0 Health Focus: Drink more water, zero sugary drinks.

Did you know? A 12-ounce serving of regular soda has approximately ten teaspoons of sugar. Sugary drinks are the number one source of added sugars in American diets. Frequently drinking sugary drinks is associated with weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases.

Activity: Watch the Rethink Your Drink video with your team.

Bonus: Calculate the number of teaspoons of sugar in your team’s favorite sugary drink.

The Frederick County Chamber of Commerce highlights many local resources for wellness activities at work. What ideas do you have to incorporate wellness in your workplace? Better yet, do your employees have any ideas for activities? Share your thoughts with us at

Jessica Mills